About Dr. Huang Huang 黃煌教授介紹

A TCM scholar dedicated to promote TCM Classic Formula!

Dr. Huang Huang, professor of Nanjing TCM University, is an internationally renowned leader in the innovation of the usage of Classic Formulas from the Shang Han Lun.


He is well-known for his ability to discuss complex Classical Formula concepts in a simple and easy to understand way. For this reason, his lectures are always well received. In recent years, the global TCM communities have been scrambling to invite him to teach in Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, USA, Europe and many other countries. And we are very excited and privileged to have him finally accept our invitation to come to Canada this summer.


The benefits of these formulas are their composition of small numbers of inexpensive and common herbs.  


These formulas have proven to be extremely effective and consistent in clinical practice for thousands of years and largely available as concentrated granules for convenient clinical use. 


When studying these Classic Formulas in more detail, one can appreciate their simple yet beautiful composition. 


Don't miss this precious opportunity to learn from this great educator of TCM Classics!



近年來更多次獲邀至美國,日本,澳洲,台灣,德國等地講學, 所到之處皆場場爆滿, 得到學員們熱烈的迴響, 學生遍及海內外各洲。其特點是用淺顯易懂的現代語言來闡述傷寒論深澀的條文,並結合臨床的具體變化配合現代的醫學病名,來解釋傷寒論的條文,使得學員們能夠很容易掌握運用傷寒論諸方的辨證要訣。黃煌老師可說是近年來對於推廣仲景傷寒論學術思想不遺餘力,已有著深遠影響的一位中醫學者。