About this seminar 講座介紹

Let’s follow Dr. Huang Huang’s tips to enter the world of TCM Classical Formulas. In this 2-day seminar, he will discuss his favourite classical formulas, and will detail their utilization for treatment of complex modern illnesses.

Whether you are just beginning to learn, or, you are well experienced in using classical formulas, you will find that this workshop will enhance your ability to treat more complex illnesses in your clinic.

(1) 7/28 ~ 7/29

TOPIC: Classical Formulae and Presentation 

– In-depth Study with Clinical Applications of Dr. Huang’s most favorite Shanghan Formulas

 (16 CE Hours, English & Mandarin Chinese)  
**Translated by Michael FitzGerald
In this seminar, Dr. Huang will:
  • detail these principles and theories using Classic Formulas.
  • discuss the dynamic nature of a body’s constitution due to factors such as aging, illness, environment, lifestyle, diet, exercise, and medication usage.
  • display tips on the art of formula combination with individual herbs to treat complicated and chronic conditions.
  • review clinical case studies to better understand differentiation and formula application.
  • refers to modern pharmacological research reports and current clinical use of the herb and formulas to enhance communication and integration with western medical science. 


Most importantly, he will introduce his most favourite 20 classical formulas as well as his personal proprietary formulas. 

Many practitioners who have taken his courses have similar feedback:
"Dr. Huang Huang taught me the key to recognize how to use the suitable Classical Formula at the appropriate time, without the need for complex formula modifications. This has made my clinical practice much more streamlined and successful..."
This 2-day seminar is one to not miss if you are interested in learning more about Classic Formulas, and modern combinations. 


7/28~7/29 「經方方證解讀與深入應用及黃煌教授常用二十經方臨床使用」
經由解析方証及體質的外觀特徵,依照面色、腹徵、腿徵、脈象、舌象及患者行為特徵,好發疾病等內容, 結合經方,找出最適合患者的療法。例如何謂附子脈,大黃舌,桂枝體質,麻黃體質,配合照片與實際病例的相配合來教學,由點到面緊緊相連。精彩的是還深度介紹了黃老師最喜用善用的二十首經方,以及十個獨創的變方。這是具有高度實用性的講座。聽講者必定能瞭解經典中醫學的特色與奧祕,也因此更喜愛經方,更善用愛用經方!


8/04~8/05  講題:「如何應用經方治療現代之疑難症」
