About Dr. Wen Chung-Kai 關於溫崇凱醫師

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Dr. Wen Chung-Kai is trained and licensed in both Western medicine and TCM. He received his Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Chang Gung University.

Dr. Wen holds many prestigious roles as the board director and honored member of various TCM associations, and is an advisor to the government.

He has solely established his own clinic, which rivals major institutions as one of the largest, busiest and highest-grade in Taiwan.
Dr. Wen specializes in treating various difficult and complicated conditions such as neurological disorders, Myasthenia Gravis, Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, traumatic injuries…etc; Dr. Wen has garnered international recognition for treating rare and incurable diseases such as Meta-chromatic leuko-dystrophy, Rett Syndrome, Bardet-Biedl Syndrom, Cerebral Palsy, Essential Tremor, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Macular degeneration, Sjögren's syndrome, Ocular Hypertension...etc.


  • 長庚大學醫學博士
  • 中國醫藥學院中醫系畢業
  • 中西醫執照醫師
  • 溫崇凱中醫診所院長
  • 台灣中醫臨床醫學會理事長
  • 內政部警政署中醫顧問
  • 國家運動代表隊隊醫
用ㄧ根針突破現代醫學罕病絕症: 異染性腦白質退化症 MLD,雷特氏症 Rett Sydrome、巴德畢 德士症 BBS、腦性麻痺 Cerebral Palsy、本態性震顫 Essential Tremor、強質性脊椎炎 AS,史蒂芬斯強森症 SJS、 漸凍人 ALS、黃斑部病變 MD、乾燥症 Sjogren's syndrome、 高眼壓 Ocular Hypertension 及皮膚頑疾等難症。
2014年溫氏針灸突破現代醫學罕病 MLD,該患者為全球罕病患者,亞洲唯一一例, 已接受西醫治療七年, 智力從 17 歲退化到 5歲,毎天只有2小時醒著,其餘時間皆為昏睡, 溫醫師針灸15次後, 病情明顯改善進步, 引起媒體關注爭相採訪報導。