2012 Summer Sale (July 09 ~ 23)
Finally the summer has arrived! And our new shipment has also freshly arrived for you. Don't forget to take this good deal to refill your stock before taking your summer vacation!

Throughout the years Bema's priority is serving your needs as our goal. Since the development of NHPD in Health Canada, we have been diligently working with the government authorities and agencies to be appropriately licensed to enable us to carry a vast selection of supreme quality of TCM herb granules with sufficient inventory for your clinical practise.



All Granule Items (single and Formula) are 35% off ~
所有單味以及複方之中藥濃縮顆粒全部35% off ~
BEMA carries a vast selection of Sun Ten granulated herbal extracts with sufficient inventory to meet all our customer demands.

Our service provides a fast delivery turnaround as well as a state-of-art online ordering system.
We are the legitimate dealer for importing and distributing Ma Huang extracts and formulas to Canadian healthcare practitioners. Click MORE to see what we have got ~
Xi Xin, Wei Ling Xian, Chuan Mu Tong, Fang Ji and many formulas with them are now all available for your best and safest choices!

All these items we carry have been extensively tested to be free of concerns of AA. They are legally approved batch to batch by Health Canada for importation.
Simply click to download the quarterly TCM newsletter published by Sun Ten, lots of good TCM articles and clinic case reports for your continue learning!

Articles in this issue :

1. Cases of Cardiac Arrhythmia and Cardiac Failure

2. The Application of TCM Treatment for Peptic Ulcers

3. Case Study of Acid Regurgitation

4. Herbal Medicinal Safety and Professional Procurement

5. Dr. Pu-Tao Chang on Health Preservation - Pinellia Rhizome (Ban Xia)

6. Pharmacology and Applications of Pinellia Rhizome (Ban Xia) and its Processed Forms

1. 心律不整與心臟衰竭案例
2. 消化性潰瘍
3. 泛酸病例報導
4. 藥材安全與專業採購
5. 張步桃談植物養生--半夏
6. 半夏及其炮製品之藥理與運用