201301 Monthly Special Promotion Sale
Have you seen lots of patients suffered from the recent attack of Cold or Flu virus? Check out what we have prepared for you ~
Celebrate 2013 ~ TCM Granules Sale
35% off of all Sun Ten TCM (single & Formula)
慶祝2013年 順天堂濃縮中藥顆粒全面六五折優惠
Do not miss this rare opportunity!
Call us to ask for the detail of the our cordyceps
Check out 2013 new year super sale price for your clinic ~
診所必備品項 純正冬蟲夏草菌絲體膠囊 新年限期特賣
You must have waited for a long time, click now to see the list!
And order immediately before they are cleared ~
2 Capsules daily would give you solid protection during tough seasons of cold and flu !
Have you been searched for a convenient solution that can handle the symptoms of the initial stage of cold or flu, such as light chill, headache, poor appetite or sore throat?