Bema 2013 Seminar is coming! Learning Shanghan Fx with Dr. Huang Huang
You can't miss this if you like to learn how to apply TCM Classic formula in your clinic practice!
如果今年你只打算聽一場學術講座, 那麼這就是你最好的選擇!
Let’s follow Dr. Huang Huang’s tips to enter the world of TCM Classical Formulas.  In his 2-day seminar, he will discuss his favourite classical formulas, and will detail their utilization for treatment of complex modern illnesses.


Click here to download registration form 點此下載課程報名表

or call us (604) 982-9198 for details ~




今年暑假我們有幸邀請黃煌教授前來溫哥華舉行兩場講座, 希望臨床喜愛使用經方治病,或對黃煌教授的學術思想有興趣的醫師或學生,切勿錯過此次能與黃煌教授面對面交流的機會!!

希望大家能借此機會能更貼近深入理解黃老師的獨特的學術理論, 現場聽講絕對勝過書本或網路資料。不僅可以親臨受授,更可獲當場釋疑與解惑。


A TCM scholar dedicated to promote TCM Classic Formula!
Let’s follow Dr. Huang Huang’s tips to enter the world of TCM Classical Formulas. In this 2-day seminar, he will discuss his favourite classical formulas, and will detail their utilization for treatment of complex modern illnesses.

Whether you are just beginning to learn, or, you are well experienced in using classical formulas, you will find that this workshop will enhance your ability to treat more complex illnesses in your clinic.
Radisson Hotel will be the venue for our seminar event this year!
Dr. Huang has published more than 7 books in Chinese, 4 of them available now in English version, they are good reference books!

There will be two workshops to accommodate different language preference.