2015 Inno-Technique Cosmetic Acupuncture Workshop (in Korean+Mandarin)
Dear Doctors and Practitioners:

We are pleased to announce our 2015 Bema Seminar: Inno-technique Cosmetic Acupuncture and Thread-embedding Workshop will be held on Saturday & Sunday, August 15th -16th at Element by Westin Hotel in Burnaby, BC.

With the support and assistance of the Natural Aesthetic Medicine Association of USA, we were privileged to invite the renowned Korean Expert of Cosmetic Acupuncture, Dr. In Ho Jung, to come to Vancouver and share with us his expertise, specifically the Inno-tecnique, an innovative cosmetic acupuncture technique developed by Dr. Jung himself, a truly precious workshop not to be missed!

感謝您長久以來對於 Bema 學術講座的支持和參與。今年,透過美國自然醫美學會(Natural Aesthetic Medicine Association)的引薦與協助,我們很榮幸能邀請到韓國知名醫美針灸權威,端雅顏連鎖醫美韓醫院的總院長鄭仁鎬醫師,來到溫哥華與我們分享他在醫美針灸及埋線方面的經驗與成就。

This two-day workshop will present two popular cosmetic applications of acupuncture in Asia: the Inno-technic Cosmetic Acupuncture and Thread-Embedding Technique (Mae-sun). Topics include: the history and theory of cosmetic acupuncture, facial anatomy, facelift principles and methods, introduction to the technique of thread- embedding, precautions, clinical applications and case studies.

Developed by the renowned Korean Han medicine practitioner, Dr. In Ho Jung, Inno-Technic Cosmetic Acupuncture works by stimulating cells and collagen regeneration in the dermis, and promoting qi and blood flow in the target area. Thread-Embedding Technique, on the other hand, might be considered as the “natural Botox.” Both techniques are now widely used for facelift, wrinkle reduction, skin rejuvenation as well as facial paralysis correction. 

本次兩天的課程將涵蓋微針美顏基本理論、臉部解剖學、埋線介紹、臉部拉提基礎講解、臨床應用、 臉部疾病病例、埋線操作技巧與注意事項、示範教學。

鄭院長為國際知名講師,多次受邀在韓國、歐美以及台灣等地演講,此次在美國自然醫美協會的安排下特地前來加拿大傳授實務經驗,一 步步地帶領大家了解中醫針灸在醫美領域裡的前景,並介紹如何正確、安全地應用在臨床病例上。

本次講座深入淺出, 不論您是正想多瞭解這一領域,或是已經學習過醫美針灸, 這次講座均是與專家能面對面學習的寶貴機會。名額有限,敬請儘早報名。 


This workshop will be held in the newly opened Element By Westin hotel in Metrotown, Burnaby.
Please download the registration form and workshop fee information here. 請下載報名表格及講座費用與折扣細節