Buy 6 get 1 free! COFLU SUPPORT Sale
Summer is over and the season is changing once more. From sunshine to rain, from hot to cold. Every two weeks to two months, many patients with poor immune systems experience mild cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, sore throat and headaches.

But if treated early, the symptoms are more easily controlled and relieved. It will help to shorten recovery time and reduce the effects of the symptoms.
COFLU SUPPORT is specially designed to help treat patients that are sensitive to the rapidly changing temperatures brought about by the new season. It is effective at preventing and alleviating the symptoms of colds and flus, a great remedy to keep on hand at home. The CoFlu Support is crafted from seven carefully chosen herbal ingredients. The formula itself was produced from years of clinical knowledge and experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine and western Pharmacology.
The main ingredients are:
Honeysuckle Flower (Jin Yin Hua) - Since ancient times, it has been known as the detoxification remedy.  It is has a cooling effect, but it does not upset the stomach. A great choice for detoxification and treating symptoms brought about by warmer temperatures.
Japanese Catnip (Jing Jie) – An herb with multiple uses and properties. Known to provide antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Can also provide asthma and allergy relief. It is a good choice for treating symptoms like nasal congestion, runny nose, mild fevers, chills and various bronchial disorders.
Perilla Leaf (Zi Su Ye) – Stimulates sweat secretion from sweat glands. Promotes sweat activity to help the body cool down from fevers. It can be used to reduce coughing and mucus secretion. It can also reduce sensitivity to allergies.
Scute (Huang Qin) – Can improve the body’s immune system and enhance white blood cell function. Has detoxification properties and can help prevent the flu. 
Dandelion (Pu Gong Yin) – According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, it is mild and bitter. Has detoxification properties and anti-inflammatory effect. Known to be rich in vitamin A and C as well as various minerals. Good for treating indigestion and constipation as well as respiratory infections.
Propolis (Feng Jiao) – A resinous mixture with antibacterial properties. It can be used to make cough drops and syrups to reduce coughing and throat irritation. Boosts immune system and promotes macrophage function.
Andrographis (Chuan Xin Lian) – An herb suitable for treating fevers, colds, sore throat and other respiratory illnesses.  It has detoxifying and cooling properties. It can help decrease body swelling. A good herb to keep on hand for home remedies. It can also be used to treat acute tonsillitis, enteritis, laryngitis, pneumonia and the flu.
COFLU SUPPORT,是一款專門針対外感風寒與風熱初期的症狀而設計的成方,具有舒緩與抑制病情擴張的有效居家常備良藥,經過多年臨床經驗與傳統中醫知識與運用中藥藥理學的科研技術成果設計相結合,精選七種有效的漢方草本原料精煉而成。
紫蘇葉: 能擴張皮膚血管,刺激汗腺分泌,故能發汗而解熱。減少支氣管分泌物,緩解支氣管平滑肌痙孿,對氣管有鬆弛作用,可明顯的平喘、鎮咳和祛痰,改變過敏體質,增進身體的免疫防禦系統。
蒲公英: 據《本草綱目》記載,它性平味甘微苦,有清热解毒、消炎杀菌之效,含豐富的維生素A和C及礦物質,對消化不良、便秘都有改善的作用,臨床應用治療上呼吸道感染。 
BEMA團隊為您誠心推薦COFLU SUPPORT,若有任何產品上的詢問,歡迎與我們聯繫