2018 The 7th TIMA-Canada Int'l TCM Symposium @ Toronto
Dear Respected Doctors and TCM students,

In light of the success and widespread recognitions from the last six consecutive years in Vancouver, the Tzu Chi International Medical Association Canada (TIMA Canada) is honored to present you the 7th TIMA Canada TCM Symposium on Oct. 5th ~ 8th, 2018 at Toronto. We sincerely hope this event would continue to provide you many excellent presentations and practical workshops. Countless efforts by volunteers including TCM professionals have been put in to ensure the best quality of learning, including bi-lingual translations for presentations, sessions of live demonstrations and panel discussions of this symposium and two special post-symposium workshops.

Participants can receive up to 30 CE hours depends on sessions participated. In this year, we are honored and very grateful to have professors and experts coming from Hong Kong, USA, Taiwan and Canada (east & west coast) to share
their excellent and precious skills, knowledge and clinical experiences as well as research accomplishment. We believe this symposium would again become an unforgettable event for all participants!

Special thanks to Humber College for providing the venue and hosting the symposium event, and thanks to the Tzu Chi West Toronto office for providing the venue for the special workshops. We look forward to seeing you in the whole event!

Event Info

@Date: Oct 05~ 08, 2018
@Attendant: Practitioners or students interested in TCM Classics & Acupuncture
@Time: See details in schedule
10/05~06: Humber College North Campus, Lecture Theatre E135 (203 Humber Blvd, Toronto, Ontario)
10/07~08: Tzu Chi West Toronto Office (Unit #219, 5555 Eglinton Ave. West, Etobicoke, Ontario)
@Admission Fee (CAD, TAX included)
(A) Symposium only (10/5~10/6) $ 80
(B) Special Workshops only (10/6 evening~10/08) $ 900
(C) Full package (Symposium + workshop ) (10/5-10/8) $900
(D) Full Package Early Bird Special (before Sept 15) $ 800
(1) 50% off for (B), (C) or (D),if you are a TIMA member or a TCM student.
(2) For Oct 5~6 symposium, we have reserved 50 seats for TCM students with a special $20 admission fee. Please apply as early as possible.
For Inquiries: please email to timacanada@tzuchi.ca
The organizing committee
The 7th TIMA Canada International TCM Symposium




     Sign up LINK 


    為增進加拿大中醫專業的知識與技能, 促進國際中醫學術交流, 加拿大慈濟國際人醫會(TIMA-Canada)自2013 年起,於溫哥華連續辦理了六屆國際中醫學術研討會,深獲北美及許多國家中醫界的肯定與支持。今年,應許多加東及美東執業中醫師的要求,我們很榮幸地邀請到了陳志卿醫師、溫崇凱醫師、劉恩明老師及多位台北市中醫師公會與慈濟醫院的專家教授們,前來與加拿大東岸之中醫專家學者共同交流, 內容涵蓋經方與針灸, 精彩又深入。特邀大家共享精彩的學術饗宴。
    研討會分為「10/5~10/6 學術論壇大會」與「10/6-10/8 會後特別研習講座」兩部分進行。參加者最多可獲得 30 繼續教育學時(詳細課表於後)。
    @日期: Oct 05~ 08, 2018
    @對象: 中醫師及中醫學生
    @時間: 詳見課表
    10/05~06: Humber College North Campus, Lecture Theatre E135 (203 Humber Blvd, Toronto, Ontario)
    10/07~08: Tzu Chi West Toronto Office (Unit #219, 5555 Eglinton Ave. West, Etobicoke, Ontario)
    @報名費 (加幣, 含稅)
    (A) 僅參加研討會 (10/05~10/06) $ 80
    (B) 僅參加特別講座 (10/6 evening~10/08) $ 900
    (C) 4日全程 (10/5-10/8) $900 (報名全課程者可享免費參加論壇大會之優惠 )
    (D) 早鳥優惠* (Sept 15前完成報名) $ 800
    (1) 中醫學生及慈濟人醫會會員享50% off for (B), (C) 或 (D).
    (2) 為鼓勵中醫學生學習,研討會部分,特別開放 50位特惠學生名額 (僅酌收講義費$20,欲參加者,報名從速)
    如有任何疑問,請email to timacanada@tzuchi.ca
    2018年第七屆加拿大慈濟人醫國際中醫學術研討會 工作團隊敬邀



