Clinic Tips : by Dagmar Riley

Sharing experiences of using Formula granules with single herb granules ~


Sun Ten granulated extracts are a Taiwanese brand of the highest quality. Characteristics of the Taiwanese prescribing style, suitable to Sun Ten products, are:
  • The vast majority of Practitioners in Taiwan prescribe granules in the form of ready-made formulas with single herb additions. This differs from raw herb prescribing, where all formulas are made ‘from scratch’.
  • Single herb extracts are often added at a dose of 0.1-1 gram TID; 0.3 g TID is common (about 1 gram per day).
  • Proportions within the target dose are given greater consideration than precise raw herb equivalence.
Tailor your formulas to your patient and improve accuracy in treatment: Examples of popular formulas modified with Singles according to Peter Townsend~

Examples: Tips for using BU ZHONG YI QI TANG with single herbs


Click here to read the details of common use examples (full article)