About Wen's New Style Acupuncture 關於溫氏現代針灸

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Wen’s Style Modernized Acupuncture is rooted in the various schools and styles of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture; however, it is further integrated with medical human anatomy, neuro-anatomy, physiology and pharmacology to form its principles of point selection and combinations. Through stimulation of the nerves, Wen’s style acupuncture conducts the brain and commands over the rest of the body, thereby achieving analgesic, anti-inflammatory, autonomic-nervous-system-regulating and immune-regulating effects.


Wen’s style acupuncture follows the principle of holistic health in TCM, where the human body is viewed as an inseparable whole. Clinically, all the organs and tissues of the body are treated and covered with his systems of scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, eye acupuncture, abdomen acupuncture, trunk acupuncture, and tongue acupuncture. 





溫氏現代針灸醫學依循傳統中醫的全息概念,將人體視為不可分隔的整體.在臨床診治將頭穴系統、耳穴系統、眼穴系統、腹部穴位系統、軀幹穴位系統、舌穴系統等等 涵蓋並對應全身的組織器官進行治療。


溫崇凱博士多年來治療了諸多的疑難雜病,尤其如神經系統疾病 、重症肌無力、 中風 、 帕金森氏症、運動傷害…等。對現代的一些罕見疾病例有了突破性的成效(異染性腦白質退化症,雷特氏症 、巴德畢德士症 、腦性麻痺 、本態性震顫 、強直性脊椎炎,史蒂芬斯強森症 、漸凍人 、黃斑部病變 、乾燥症 、高眼壓 …等)。



