TDP: Far Ingrared Therapy Lamp
In TCM diagnosis, rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases is often described as Bi Syndrome under the classical literature, which is often brought about by the wind, cold, or dampness pathogenic evils. Acupuncture and Moxibustion were traditionally used to treat the ailments associated with RMDs, whereas TDP Heat Therapy Lamp is often the first alternative choice to complement the acupuncture therapy in the contemporary clinical setting.
TDP, which stands for the “Special Electromagnetic Spectrum” in Chinese, is the “miracle lamp” that adopted by many clinicians nowadays. Although not a complete replacement for the moxibustion therapy, it is an ideal alternative, as there is no drawback of smoke while providing the same beneficial heat energy similar to the conventional moxa treatment. TDP lamp’s proprietary mineral plate contains coating of 33 trace elements, capable of generating unique wavelength of Far Infrared Radiation (FIR), which is the safest segment of energy that emits from the sun. Researches show that FIR could promote microcirculation and peripheral blood flow, just like capturing the therapeutic benefits of the solar energy. There is a wide range of health benefits, such as enhancing the circulation, providing pain alleviation and inflammation relief, skin revitalization, sleep modulation and etc.
Moxibustion therapy
In the external TCM therapeutic method, moxibustion is especially important in tonifying the Yang Qi. Moxa, or mugwort, is a rare herb in Chinese medicine that can travel through the twelve meridians. The heat generated from burning of mugwort can warm the channels, activating the Qi and blood, thereby dispelling the cold and dehumidifying dampness, and driving away the evil spirits in the meridians.
- Moxa RN8: strengthen the primordial Yang Qi in the body;
- Moxa RN4: tonify the Yuan Qi, replenish the lower Jiao;
- Moxa RN6: cultivate the vital energy, benefit kidney and solidify essence, replenish Yang Qi;
- Moxa UB62: prevent cold and flu, strengthen the Yang Qi and boost immunity.
Date: Oct 9 - Oct 25, 2021
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