5 Days left to get Early Bird Rate for Dr. Huang Huang Seminar in Vancouver
Hurry up! Only 5 days left to get early bird rate for the opportunity to learn Shang Han Lun formulas with a whole new concept!

To promote and encourage the study & use of TCM Classic Formula, special thanks to D.r Huang, who has agreed to price the workshop for around 18 dollars per hour, truly great value for such a solid teaching workshop of TCM Classics available with perfect English translation.

只剩五天, 千萬莫錯過報名講座的特惠時間! 本週內報名, 每兩天16學時的講座最低290元. 特別感謝黃教授不遠萬里而來, 給予我們學習經方使用技巧的教學! 大家切莫錯過難得提高臨床療效的學習機會!

This is a must-attend workshop that can show you the new entrance door to explore the wonderful world of learning and using TCM Classic Formula ~

對於喜用愛用傷寒經方, 或是很想學會如何善用經方的您, 切莫放過這次難得的課程. 一同透過經方之美, 來領略真正的中醫精華!


click here to see detail  點此查看詳細課程介紹