Case 1: Eczema - Knee popliteal

Patient W (12 yrs old) is a case of typical inheritance allergy, and has been suffering with eczema since birth. Patient has repeatedly sought treatment in Western and Chinese medicine throughout the years but never achieved full recovery. Eczema is always aggravated during allergy seasons and has greatly distract him from learning and studying.

Major affected area: Knee popliteal

Treatment duration with Bema PhytoTopical: 2.5 months

Treatment protocol: apply Bema 150H (tincture) first, then follow with 168R (topical)

Oral intake medicine: AllerSolve (2 capsules each time, 1 time per day for the 1 month; followed with 1 capsule each time, once per day for the remainder time)
案例一    王小弟 
王小弟是典型的遺傳性過敏體質,從出生以來十幾年不斷被溼疹困擾,在多年求助中西醫治療,始終無法痊癒,每到好發季節,就容易引發濕疹發作,嚴重影響學習。 (患者部位: 膝膕   整體療程: 2個半月。外用藥 : Bema 168R、150H。內服藥:  AllerSolve)