Effectively solve annoying Eczema problems & Easy and Convenient Acne Solutions
An estimated 2.5 million people in Canada are suffering from eczema - that’s about 2 out of every 10 people! Conditions for most people are especially exacerbated during periods of fluctuating temperatures and weather, and the weather surely has been rough. We are definitely seeing an increased number of patients who are looking for “natural & side-effects/consequences free” treatments, and wonderful results are observed when these are used to complement and complete overall treatment plans.
Two Weeks Special Promotions: 
Date: June 7. 2021 to Jun 21, 2021
Details: Buy any of the Bema PhytoTopical products or AllerSolve Plus or any of the following formulas (Pi Pa Qing Fei Yin, Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang,Yin Chen Hao Tang, Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin, Shi Wei Bai Du Yin, Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin) and make the total over $300 before tax, you are eligible to get FREE Domestic standard shipping (equal amount discount for out-of-province shipping)
(Promotion only applied on the certain products ONLY)
Please email or call us if you have any questions!

While the cause of eczema is not entirely understood, it is believed to be more than just a skin-layered condition. It is a mis-regulated immune system response, commonly associated with stress, (maternal) inheritance, temperature changes, life style changes, bowel disorders and sensitivities to food such as dairy products, wheat and seafood. It is usually characterized by dry skin, with patches that are red and intensely itchy.


From TCM’s point of view, both eczema & AD could be related to the deficiency in one’s spleen and stomach system. Therefore, we could catch 2 birds with 1 stone via treating the skin conditions both internally and externally.


For the internal approach, we could start with a fundamental spleen-tonifying formula, combining with Bema’s special formulated Eczema Support, which is not only effective in clearing the wind & heat, but also quickly resolving dampness & relieving the itch.


Moreover, during the acute stage, it is highly recommended to include AllerSolve, a special selection of four *medical grade probiotics, which could regulate the Th1 / Th2 reaction, as it breaks down, eliminates and inhibits the formation of harmful substances in the gut.


Clinical evidence shows that AllerSolve could properly regulate the immune system and improve intestinal health, reducing body’s IgG and IgA levels. If taken during the remission stage, it could further show improvements to diarrhea problems and lactose intolerance, reduction in serum cholesterol levels and Helicobacter Pylori infections...etc.


As a result, when complementing to a balanced diet, AllerSolve could effectively relieve allergic reactions, enhance digestive function and prevent gastrointestinal diseases. (*Therapeutic grade: each capsule contains more than 10 billion live bacteria)


150H & 168R are the recommended protocols for both eczema and AD. This combination contains tincture and ointment, which are 100% botanical & steroid free.


First, the 150H tincture should be applied in a thin layer, which can quickly penetrate the skin layer, acting as an efficient anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, & antipruritic agent.


Next, we could apply a thin layer of the 168R ointment, which is not only effective in clearing the heat & dampness, invigorating the blood, but also creating a protective layer to seal the moisture, further alleviating the itchiness.


If facial region is affected, it is recommended to combine the 164G hydrogel as well, which is the most gentle with minimal irritation, suitable for the sensitive skin type.


Bema Phytotopicals are made by pure TCM, which are all-natural botanicals that effectively tackle eczema problems with no side effects.


For the external approach, besides using acupuncture to tackle the meridians, it is also highly recommended to use Bema’s PhytoTopicals, a specially formulated topical solution for the dermatological treatment.

We're here to offer a remarkably effective remedy to treat acne problems for this summer!


Acne is a skin condition that affects the skin’s oil glands. It occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. The cause of acne is still debated, but it is likely to be influenced by factors such as hormone imbalance, genetics and various environmental elements.


People of all ages can get acne, but it is most common in teenagers and young adults. If left untreated, it can have an adverse impact on appearance. In severe cases, acne can leave permanent scarring. This can be a nightmare for teenagers and adults alike.


Sweat from a hard workout or from our hot and humid weather can exacerbate the problem. Your patients may find themselves with more skin conditions this season. Thus, Bema wishes to offer a convenient and effective solution to tackle this acne problem.


<PhyoTopical Combo>

1. 159W  Cleanse Gel

For sensitive skin; hypo-allergenic, antimicrobial, anti-



Intended use:

Hyperpigmentation, exudative skin erosion, infection,

ulceration, acne

Instructions: 1-2 times per day


2.  164G Hydro Gel


antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic, minimal irritation, especially suitable for thin or fragile skin 

Instructions: 3-4 times per day。


When adhering to treatment protocols, and combined with internal TCM formulations & AllerSolve for internal use, patients’ symptoms generally stabilize after about 2 weeks’ time. Many experience full recovery in approximately 3 months.


<Prescription compound medicine>

1. Lung wind heat: Pi Pa Qing Fei Yin, Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang

2. Spleen and stomach damp-heat: Yin Chen Hao Tang, Huang

Lian Jie Du Tang, Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin

3. Phlegm accumulated: Shi Wei Bai Du Yin, Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin


If you are suffering from skin conditions or have treatment issues, please feel free to contact us. Bema will assist you to the best of our ability. Thank you!

Two Weeks Special Promotions: 
Date: June 7. 2021 to Jun 21, 2021
Details: Buy any of the Bema PhytoTopical products or AllerSolve Plus or any of the following formulas (Pi Pa Qing Fei Yin, Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang,Yin Chen Hao Tang, Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin, Shi Wei Bai Du Yin, Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin) and make the total over $300 before tax, you are eligible to get FREE Domestic standard shipping (equal amount discount for out-of-province shipping)
(Promotion only applied on the certain products ONLY)
Please email or call us if you have any questions!


據統計, 加拿大約有兩百五十萬人患有濕疹,也就是說每10個人就有2個人有這種的困擾.濕疹往往好發於天氣熱寒交替時期,今年天氣又是多變化,現在正是濕疹的發作季節,您的診所準備好迎接這類病人了嗎?


一般認為濕疹並不只是皮表病症,而是身體免疫系統失調.若免疫系統正常時,濕疹應可慢慢痊愈;然而當免疫系統一而再失調時,濕疹就會反覆的出現 ,造成慢性濕疹 .誘發濕疹的常見原因有母體遺傳、生活起居不規律,情緒壓力,氣候變化, 食物敏感(奶類制品,魚蝦、蟹、等海產類食物 ) ,排便不正常等因素,導致免疫力失調而形成本病。


因此治療濕疹除了外用藥以外,還需要搭配內服藥來調整免疫系統 ,內外搭配,對任何原因引起的濕疹及多年的慢性濕疹,色素沉著與苔癬樣變,都可以輕鬆解決問題。






採用Bema推薦的濕疹治療程序,內服加外敷的全套治療方案,治療 多能在兩星期後開始穩定,而皮膚完全痊癒更可只需要三個月左右, 所以並不難醫治.只要提出有效的治療方案,難治的皮膚病的問題就能輕鬆解決了。






1.純中藥配方深層洗淨 159W   (159W  Cleanse Gel)





用法: 每天 1-2 次


2. 患部治癒 164G Hydro Gel

    功效: 抗菌消炎、止癢,刺激少,適用於皮膚薄弱與細緻的臉部肌膚


    用法: 每日三至四次




 1. 肺感風熱 : 枇杷清肺飲、荊芥連翹湯


 2. 脾胃濕熱 : 茵陳蒿湯、黃連解毒湯、五味消毒飲


 3. 痰瘀互結 : 十味敗毒飲、真人活命飲





Two Weeks Special Promotions: 
Date: June 7. 2021 to Jun 21, 2021
Details: Buy any of the Bema PhytoTopical products or AllerSolve Plus or any of the following formulas (Pi Pa Qing Fei Yin, Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang,Yin Chen Hao Tang, Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin, Shi Wei Bai Du Yin, Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin) and make the total over $300 before tax, you are eligible to get FREE Domestic standard shipping (equal amount discount for out-of-province shipping)
(Promotion only applied on the certain products ONLY)
Please email or call us if you have any questions!




Patient W (12 yrs old) is a case of typical inheritance allergy, and has been suffering with eczema since birth. Patient has repeatedly sought treatment in Western and Chinese medicine throughout the years but never achieved full recovery. Eczema is always aggravated during allergy seasons and has greatly distract him from learning and studying.

Major affected area: Knee popliteal

Treatment duration with Bema PhytoTopical: 2.5 months

Treatment protocol: apply Bema 150H (tincture) first, then follow with 168R (topical)

Oral intake medicine: AllerSolve (2 capsules each time, 1 time per day for the 1 month; followed with 1 capsule each time, once per day for the remainder time)
Patient Ms. L develops eczema outbreaks around her wrist during seasonal climate changes.
Major affected area: Wrist

Treatment duration with Bema PhytoTopical: 3 months

Treatment protocol: apply Bema 150H (tincture) first, then follow with 168R (topical)

Oral intake medicine: AllerSolve (2 capsules each time, 1 time per day for the 1 month; followed with 1 capsule each time, once per day for the remainder time)